My Fave Places To Shop Second Hand #secondhandseptember

It's all well and good us all harping on about shopping second hand, but where are the best (and easily accessible) places to get some preloved pretties?

1) Charity Shops

This one is a given isn't it. Can you even think of a high street that doesn't have at least one of these! Generally speaking, they stock everything and anything (although some have specialist stores like Oxfam Books) think a mix of mens and ladies wear, shoes, books, toys, accessories and household. Stock moves quickly so always worth nipping in! Equally, a brilliant place to pass on your unwanted items with no effort. The icing on the cake has to be that your purchase is directly helping a charity as well. So everyone wins :) 

2) eBay

Although browsing on here can be a bit trickier, if there is something specific you are after, or a brand you know you love, eBay can be brilliant for picking up bargains or one off pieces. As a taller lady with massive feet I find eBay a brilliant resource for second hand jeans and trousers which don't seem to come up in charity shops very often. 

3) Car boot Sales

This is a secret love of mine and yet Mr Kidamajig's worst nightmare!

Car boot sales are a feast of stuff that people want rid of - you never know what you might find! There is a lot of room for haggling and negotiation here, so take your best poker face! And remember to sharpen your elbows as people LOVE a bargain... 

4) Online Stores ;)

I mean, what is life without a little shameless self promotion... 

5) Swap Sessions

Shwopping, clothes swap, swap shop. Call it what you like. It all reduces waste, and gets unwanted clothes and goods a new life somewhere else. If you are not confident enough to go a public one, why not organise one amoungst some friends and see what you all have lurking in your wardrobes?! 

6) BST Groups

Although I find these THE MOST annoying places in the cyber universe. They do have their place. We bought the majority of our cloth nappies from BST groups, and have sold on a lot of didn't work for us on them as well. Again, like eBay, these are brilliant if you know you are after a certain brand as most expensive brands now have their own dedicated group. (Hello Team Tall BST group and thank you for all the jeans you have enabled me to buy!!) 


Where do you love to shop second hand?

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